Kindergarten pre-school program (3 - 5 years)
Our exceptional kindergarten school readiness program provides every opportunity to prepare your child for a positive start to their schooling years. Here our educators strike a balance between child-initiated and teacher-led activities.

School readiness - is my child ready for school?
Beckenham Early learning’s Kindergarten pre-school program is designed to prepare children for the transition to the more structured and independent environment of attending school. School readiness is not all about academics though, we recognise that children learn best through play, and that more important than skill development is their development of social and emotional wellbeing.
Through the play-based curriculum children are developing many skills which will be beneficial to them at school, such as developing a sense of belonging, social skills necessary for group participation, responding to and coping with change and developing literacy and numeracy skills.
Our curriculum is displayed in the room and updated daily, we encourage all families to read and give feedback about the activities, this feedback is incorporated into the curriculum and assists the educators tailer the learning experiences to each child’s specific needs and strengths.
What other families say about Beckenham Early Learning
Important school readiness skills
- Social and emotional development: Children beginning to understand who they are, becoming aware of what they are feeling, understanding what to expect when communicating with others, and understanding why others communicate in certain ways.
- Understanding: Comprehending language and social interaction of others, regarding concepts, questions, instructions and vocabulary in both group instruction and peer to peer settings.
- Expressive language: The ability to use language to describe events and actions, label objects, and put words together coherently to form a story or communicate an idea.
- Articulation: The effective sounding and pronunciation of words and sentences, and in forming speech more generally.
- Sequencing and planning: The planning and ordering of action taking in children, often involving multi-tasking. This means developing an idea of what you want to do, working out how it will be completed, and carrying out this plan.
- Executive function and self regulation: The ability of children to understand and manage emotions, behaviour and interactions with themselves and others. This involves monitoring and changing emotions to manage specific situations and tasks, using skills of thinking and reasoning.

Kindergarten pre-school Program Frequently Asked Questions
Why are school readiness skills important?
The development of school readiness skills allows schoolteachers to expand and further develop a child’s skills in the specific areas of social interaction, play, language, emotional development, physical skills, literacy and fine motor skills. Without these basic skills already established upon entry to school, children can very quickly find themselves playing ‘catch up’ compared to their peers that are advancing more quickly. children that begin school with the building blocks or foundation skills in place advance quickly as opposed to those that start school only to then begin the slow process of developing school readiness.
What are group sizes like in the kindy program?
As a small family run service, we take pride in our commitment to small group numbers.
Smaller group sizes allow for more individualized attention, which is important for the developmental needs of kindergarten-aged children. It enables educators to better support each child’s learning and social-emotional development. A smaller group size can contribute to a more effective learning environment, allowing for organised and engaging activities that cater to the needs of each child. Children feel more comfortable expressing themselves and participating in group activities when in a smaller setting.
Can I come for play dates prior to enrolment start date?
We encourage play dates prior to your enrolment start date, these will allow your child to explore the new environment with you present, It is a wonderful way to help your child transition smoothly.
Every child is unique, and their reactions to new experiences can vary. Some children may thrive with playdates and social interactions, while others may need more time to adjust. Our educators will be attentive to your child’s cues and comfort level, and will always prioritize positive and enjoyable interactions.
How do I get updates on how my child is going through the day?
We understand how hard it is to be away from your child, so we are committed to sending you updates throughout the day through our interactive parent app Xplor.
We are always available on the phone, via email or available to discuss your child on drop off or pickup.
We maintain a close partnership with our families, keeping you informed about your child’s daily activities, milestones, and moments of joy is our priority
- Xplor
- Face to face (pickup or pre-arranged meeting)
- Family weekend forms & letters